Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Interesting Website Added to Links --

If you have paid any attention to my "Links" section on the right side of my blog, you will have noticed another new link has been added.

I'm referring to the Kapiti Fusiliers website in New Zealand:

Now almost anyone who has an interest in 18th century gaming has probably spent time visiting Roly Hermans' website (link to right) to see his wonderfully painted SYW French troops. Well he's a member of the Kapiti Fusiliers . . . and a number of their members have lots of wonderfully painted troops as well.

Among the many interesting facets to the Kapiti Fusiliers website, be sure to investigate their "Articles" section. Personally, I was quite taken with Brian Smaller's "More Buildings for Wargamers" article found at:

There's a great "Links" section too. Give the Fusiliers website a look-through, I think that you'll be impressed. I was.

-- Jeff

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